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Creation Stories

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Creation Stories (2021)


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The true story of the rise and fall of Creation Records and its infamous founder Alan McGee; the man responsible for supplying the “Brit Pop” soundtrack to the ‘90s, a decade of cultural renaissance known as Cool Britannia. From humble beginnings to Downing Street soirées, from dodging bailiffs to releasing multi-platinum albums, Creation had it all. Breakdowns, bankruptcy, fights and friendships… and not forgetting the music. Featuring some of the greatest records you have ever heard, we follow Alan through a drug-fuelled haze of music and mayhem, as his rock’n’roll dream brings the world Oasis, Primal Scream, and other generation-defining bands.

Movie: Creation Stories

Rated: Not Rated

Category: DramaMusic

Director: Nick Moran

Stars: Charlie Murphy, Ewen Bremner, Jason Flemyng, Leo Flanagan, Richard Jobson, Seána Kerslake, Suki Waterhouse

Release Date: 2021-06-10

Release Year:


Runtime: 85 min

IMDB Rating: 6.2/10

User Votes: N/A

Visits: 1246

Creation Stories
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