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Time is Money

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Time is Money (2015)

Time ls Money (2015) (Alternative Title)


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Chen Mo came from a wealthy family, however due to his nasty gambling habit, he squanders his family`s fortune and is left with nothing except for a painting from a painter named Chu Zhong Tian, which his father left him. Unfortunately, the painting, which costs $100,000, is not enough to pay off his debt. Chen Mo then comes across a news regarding a painter who has just passed away, causing the price of his paintings to increase. With an evil plan in mind, Chen Mo goes all the way to Singapore in search of Chu Zhong Tian in order to kill him. This way, the painting that his father left him will increase in monetary value and Chen Mo will be able to clear his debt.

Movie: Time ls Money

Rated: N/A

Category: Comedy

Director: Chin-Jung Kang

Stars: Chin-Jung Kang, Eddy Ou, Jacky Wu, Jacky Wu Tsung-hsien, Kang Ching-Jung, Lotus Wang, Mark Lee, Ng Man-Tat, Ou Di, Sarah Wang

Release Date: 2015-01-15

Quality: HD

Release Year:


Runtime: 131 min

IMDB Rating: N/A/10

User Votes: N/A

TMDB Rating: 2/10

Visits: 851

Time is Money
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